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The Career Advancement Services program was designed to aid current, transitioning, and former New Hampshire Employment Program (NHEP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) participants to become self-sufficient and reduce the need for public assistance.

The Career Advancement Services program is a voluntary program to help participants prepare for and stay in the workforce. The goal is to support individuals in gaining skills, education, and workplace experience to continue their career exploration and success. This can include up to $1,575 in training funds and $1,000+ in support services.

The Earned Income Disregard Pilot program is for participants enrolled in the 75% or 100% earned income disregard and remain eligible for TANF cash. When participants are no longer eligible for TANF cash, they will be eligible for Post-TANF services.

The Post-TANF services are for participants who closed TANF cash assistance and NHEP due to earnings, from the time of cash closure for a one (1) year period. 

Career Advancement Counselors may provide the following services at no cost:

  • Career counseling services to identify skills, interests, and obstacles to employment or training.
  • Develop an Employment/Education Plan to help guide the process and explore training opportunities.
  • Provide workforce development and job retention services.
  • Training funds that could lead to an industry recognized certificate.
  • Support service funds.

Job Developers may provide the following services at no cost:

  • Provide career counseling services that are in alignment with the Employment/Education Plan.
  • Collaborate with local employers, workforce development agencies, community-based organizations, and local training providers to identify and develop employment and training opportunities.
  • Develop, monitor, and execute agreements with employers and participants for a Work Experience/Internship, On-the-Job Training (OJT), Community Service, and Apprenticeship programs.
  • Support and assist participants in training and credential attainment.

Support Service funds may include:

  • Required tools and books for training
  • Transportation reimbursement
  • Auto repair
  • Work clothing

Job Retention Services may include:

  • Conflict resolution
  • New employee acclimation
  • Employment issues
  • Financial literacy
  • Family/work balance
  • Wage progression

Community Action Partnership Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties (CAPHR) has been contracted by the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Economic Stability, to serve as a regional operator of the Career Advancement Services program for the following areas: Concord/Laconia Region, Rochester/Seacoast Region, and Berlin/Conway/Littleton Region.

CAPHR is an equal opportunity employer/program and complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. TDD ACCESS: RELAY NH 1-800-735-2964.


Current, transitioning, or former NHEP/TANF participants. This also includes Earned Income Disregard participants and Post-TANF participants.

For more information about the CAPHR Career Advancement Services program or to find out if you qualify, contact us at:


Phone: (603) 668-8010 Ext. 6330

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**Link to CAS Flyer

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