Creating a roadmap to successful employment after a setback can seem overwhelming on your own, but with support and guidance, you can re-enter the workforce with a new set of skills and confidence for sustained success. The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides eligible adults with professional career counseling and access to a wide range of employment and training related services. This can include up to $6,500 of tuition assistance and $1,500 of support services that can help eliminate various barriers to employment. This helps participants increase their earning potential and helps NH employers meet their workforce needs.
WIOA Career Navigator may provide the following services at no cost:
- Occupational Skills Training through a catalogue of over 800 classroom-based trainings that can lead to an industry recognized credential
- On-the-Job Training to create the opportunity to be hired by an employer with hands-on training, allowing the employee to “earn while they learn”
- Support Services for additional assistance such as transportation reimbursement, child care reimbursement, uniforms, tools and other emergency services may be available to help eliminate or lessen barriers that prevent participation in a full-time training program
- Vocational Assessments to help identify skills, interests, abilities and potential barriers to employment
- Job-Market Outlook on the local labor market and in-demand occupations within New Hampshire
- Career Path and Employment Plan Development to help guide that process
- Educational Services and Skills Advancement in areas such as ESOL, HiSet preparation, basic reading, math, and computer literacy
- Job Search and Readiness Activities including development of interviewing skills and resume writing
WIOA prioritizes service for applicants who meet the following qualifications:
- Individuals receiving public assistance
- Individuals who qualify as low-income
- Individuals who are basic skills deficient
- Veterans and eligible spouses
Community Action Partnership Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties has been contracted by the Department of Business & Economic Affairs and the Department of Employment Security to serve as the statewide operator of the WIOA Adult Worker program.
The WIOA Adult Program is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor. For program funding details in compliance with the Stevens Amendment, please visit:
Community Action Partnership Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties is a member of the NH Works American Job Centers throughout the state. This partnership includes the Department of Business & Economic Affairs, New Hampshire Department of Education, New Hampshire Employment Security, New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services, Senior Community Services Employment Program, and the New Hampshire Community College System.
Community Action Partnership Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties is a proud member of the American Jobs Centers Network, an equal opportunity employer/program and complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. TDD ACCESS: RELAY NH 1-800-735-2964