It’s Tax Time!
The VITA - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program is administered by the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS partners with organizations like CAPHR: Community Action Partnership with Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties.
Beginning: February 1, 2025
CAPHR – VITA will be offering free tax preparation services to low-moderate income households, with an annual income limit of 67,000. Taxes are prepared by IRS-certified volunteers who assist New Hampshire residents in accessing the greatest amount of refunds.
Each year Community Action Partnership supports individuals and families in completing and processing their income tax returns. CAPHR also promotes financial education and planning services. These support services are designed to embrace the uniqueness of each household and provide an opportunity to explore financial avenues that honor each family’s unique path.
For more information on the Community Action Partnership with Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties VITA Program contact:
Donna Q. Corriveau, VITA Coordinator – 4 Cutts Street Portsmouth, NH 03801
603 436-3896 Ext: 5614 | Cell - 603 486-4085 | dcorriveau@caphr.org
VITA Sites are located throughout New Hampshire, and you can obtain a listing of these sites by visiting https://nhtaxhelp.org/
Those without Internet access can call 211.
Understanding Tax Credits:
The EITC - Earned Income Tax Credit; Is offered to low- and moderate-income workers. To claim the EITC, you have to meet certain income requirements and cannot make over a certain amount of investment income.
The Child Tax Credit; Is available to assist families with qualifying children to obtain a tax break. This tax credit is available to parents who depend on childcare services, so they can remain employed.
Dependent Care Tax Credit: Is a nonrefundable tax credit available to individuals and families that care for a qualifying individual. The goal of this credit is to allow the caregiver to remain employed while caring for a dependent.
For more information on Tax Credits & Deductions visit: https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/