Sara Sacco
Workforce Development Director
Sara Sacco began her career at Southern New Hampshire Services in 2016 as a Job Placement Specialist. During that time, she worked directly with employers to create On-the-Job Training (OJT) contracts for WIOA participants. After one year of working with employers, Sara went on to work directly with participants and transitioned into the Statewide WIOA Career Navigator position. In this position she provided employment counseling and case management to participants throughout NH. In January 2022, Sara was promoted to the WIOA Outreach Coordinator position where she trained new WIOA staff and participated in outreach events to promote the WIOA Adult and VIP grants. Sara was again promoted in 2023 to the Workforce Development Director position where she currently oversees the WIOA Adult, NHEP, English for New Americans, and other workforce development grants. Within her seven years at SNHS, she has created and maintained many partnerships with employers and agencies throughout NH. Her passion to help others shows throughout her professional career.
Sara received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing, from the University of New Hampshire in Durham. Born and raised in NH, she currently lives in Manchester with her husband and son.