Effective June 1, 2021 SNHS mask guidance will be changed for all employees. If employees choose to wear a mask they may continue to do so, or if employees are part of a program whose guidelines continue to require masks and protocols, you are required to follow those program specific guidelines.
Employees are no longer required to complete the online health screening survey daily before entering any SNHS property.
Meetings and…
Job Description
The Program Coordinator at English for New Americans (ENA) will establish and maintain ESOL classes for Limited English Proficiency individuals in the greater Manchester area, and oversee the delivery of instruction, curriculum development and cultural adjustment information and activities. The program is designed to assist refugees and immigrants in their quest for self-sufficiency through WIOA grant funds, and to help bridge the…
See Video of Holiday Scavenger Hunt Raffle Drawing Results
Job Description
The incumbent of this position is responsible for: the overall health and safety of the infants and toddlers in the program. S/He works as a member of the classroom team in forming trusting relationships with the children and families, developing lesson plans, ongoing assessment, and general classroom management.
Received: Works under the direct supervision of the Center Director
Exercised: None.
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Workforce training, education, coaching and career path development to increase employability and successful job readiness.
Your Money In Action Financial capability education and coaching to more effectively manage resources and balanced financial decisions.
Head Start & Early Head Start Child care programming designed for infants, toddlers and pre-school children to prepare for success in and beyond school while also developing a deeper connection between parents/guardians and their child's development.
Child Care Services Full and Extended Day Child Care services for infants, toddlers and pre-school children which may be used in partnership with Head Start & Early Head…
Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition education, support and nutritious food access for pregnant women, new mothers, infants and preschool children to stay healthy and strong.
Hillsborough County Community Gardens Garden plots made available at low- or no-cost to residents of Hillsborough County to grow their own nutritious foods.
Summer Food Service Program Daily free or reduced lunches provided nutritious…
Fuel Assistance (FAP) Financial assistance for heating fuel expenses to keep both renters and owners safe and warm through the colder months.
Electric Energy Assistance (EAP) Discounts for eligible electric utility customers to make monthly electric bills more affordable and to avoid service interruption.
Weatherization (WAP) Energy audits of rented or owned homes to provide no-cost updates for better efficiency…
Job Description
The incumbent of this position is responsible for: the overall health and safety of the preschoolers in the program. S/He works as a member of the classroom team in forming trusting relationships with the children and families, developing lesson plans, ongoing assessment, and general classroom management
Received: Works under the direct supervision of the Center Director
Exercised: None.
RATE: Based on…
Homelessness Prevention & Housing Housing opportunities, safety and support for those facing eviction or in need of housing including assistance in maintaining housing stability going forward.
Western Hillsborough County Family Services Assistance for residents of Western Hillsborough County including access to nutritious meals, education, adult literacy, family support, rental assistance and more.
Rural Transportation…